Preventative Pressure Washer Maintenance
Taking the time to examine and clean your pressure washer and accessories, both before and after each use, will help you avoid performance problems and save money on parts and repair. Refer to your operator's manual for special guidelines appropriate to your pressure washer make and model.
Prior to Each Use

Step 1: Check the Oil
Check engine oil and fuel levels: Top off both oil and fuel if low, or change oil if needed using a manufacturer-recommended oil. Consult engine's operator's manual for instructions.
Check inflatable tires: Keep air pressure at value marked on tires or within 15 and 25 PSI.

Step 2: Check Screens
Check water inlet screen: Flush with clear water if dirty or clogged; replace with new screen and rubber washer if damaged.
Check in-line screen: Flush with clear water if dirty or clogged; replace with new screen and O-ring if damaged.

Step 3: Inspection of Hoses and Couplings
Inspect high-pressure hose: Replace if leaks, cuts, abrasions, or bulging of cover exists or if couplings are damaged or have movement. New hoses must exceed maximum pressure rating of your pressure washer.
Examine cleaning detergent injection tube and filter: Clean if dirty or clogged. Examine tube for leaks or tears and make sure it fits tightly on barbed fitting. Replace tube or siphon/filter if either is damaged.
Test spray wand assembly: Replace O-rings if connectors leak (page 100). Clean nozzle orifices if clogged or replace spray wand, adjustable nozzle, or spray tips if original parts are damaged.
Rinse out garden hose: Flush debris from hose prior to attaching to pump inlet.
After Each Use
Step 4: Flush the Cleaning Detergent
Flush the cleaning detergent injection system: Run clean water through the system for two minutes before stopping the engine. Shut down the pressure washer: Shut off engine and let cool. Turn off water supply.

Step 5: Relieve the Pressure in the System
Relieve the pressure in the system: Press and hold spray-gun trigger until all water remaining in the line is expelled. Disconnect high-pressure and garden hoses from pump, and detach high-pressure hose from spray gun.
Empty pump of remaining liquids: Pull the recoil handle six times. A small amount of water will leak from the pump's water outlet.